GGB Fort Collins: Themyscira Brunch
Themyscira Brunch
“And remember that, in a world full of ordinary mortals, you are a Wonder Woman.” — Queen Hippolyta

Call to arms, geeky Amazons! Fort Collins recently held its Themyscira brunch at a newly opened restaurant in town called Simmer (which should have been named Smolder because our ladies were smoldering this weekend!). The drinks were on point; the food was delicious. Great times were had at this new startup and we will surely be back.

For our favors for this brunch, each lady received a Wonder Woman sticker, delicious salt water “Paradise Island” taffy, and a bow and arrow charm, as well as a shout out to our Geek Girl Boss of the Month, Wonder Z. We opened with our traditional ice breakers portion of brunch. Each lady introduced herself and shared her favorite character from DC Comics. We also discussed a list of Greek Gods and which God we identified with the most.
Our first activity was Themyscira/Wonder Woman Trivia! This was a tough list of trivia. Questions ran the gamut from “Which accessory allowed Wonder Woman to breath in space?” (Her earrings!) to “Which of the following absurd mythical creatures also called the island of Themyscira home?” (Sky Kangas!). Our winner, Nikki, walked away with a sweet Wonder Woman poster, a handmade Superman bow, and a geeky pin.

For our second activity we let the ladies craft their own lasso and create a mythology for it. We used pipecleaners, colored string, and imagination to come up with our personalized lassos. Each lady then told us which Greek god bestowed upon her the lasso, what it was called, and what powers it contained. There was a lasso that allowed its holder to transcend space and time, another lasso allowed its holder to read minds, there was even a lasso that granted its holder a slice of lemon meringue pie! We pulled a lasso out of a hat and declared Alyssa the winner! Alyssa won a poster for the Arrow TV show, a Batman mug, a Justice League poster, and a hand made Batman bow.

And the prizes don’t stop there! We were flush with giveaways for this brunch and had two raffle winners! Both Brianna and Holly won raffle items. Brianna went home with a batman mask, a Green Arrow figurine, a Harley Quinn coloring pack, and a monstrous Batman poster. Holly won a The Flash USB battery pack, wooden Wonder Woman display, and a caped Wonder Woman shot glass!

Finally, we announced our next brunch theme, Mythical Creatures, and took photos of all of our lovely ladies and their amazing outfits and cosplay. We were so thrilled to have new members with us this brunch and we hope our brunch community will continue to join us in the future!
“Only love can save this world. So I stay. I fight, and I give… for the world I know can be. This is my mission, now. Forever.” – Diana Prince / Wonder Woman
~Allison, Jakki & Sarah
Geek Girl Brunch Fort Collins