GGB NYC: Potter Potluck Picnic in the Park

As summer comes to a close, brunchettes in NYC ditched the fancy restaurants and headed outside. Gathering under the shade of a Whomping Willow in Central Park everyone brought something delicious to share.
From homemade pumpkin pasties to bacon-wrapped pickles, there was no shortage of snacks to feast on. And because no brunch is complete until you pour alcohol into juice, homemade watermelon lemonade (fresh from the melon!) was available as well as a batch of classic mimosas.
Everyone kept cool using their natural wood fans; hand dyed to match house colors. Talk of recent politics and upcoming eclipses magically turned into sorting foods, cities and modes of transportation into houses, why the Pottermore Patronus quiz is rigged, and why using a time turner to travel into the future is a better than traveling into the past. This low-key gathering brought together witches of all houses, and with the center of NYC as our shared common room, we ended the summer with terrific brunch that would make Hermione proud.