GGB Twin Cities: Superheroes

For the month of March the Twin Cities GGB traveled to Amsterdam! Amsterdam Bar and Hall in Saint Paul, Minnesota that is – although we did have plenty of patatje oorlog (french fries with onions and sauces) and broodjes (sandwiches) even if we didn’t get stamps in our passports.
We celebrated March’s superhero(ine) theme over tasty Dutch cuisine, strong French press coffee and cocktails. We discussed which superpowers we’d like to wield which included everything from flying to telekinesis to being able to change the mass of objects. That last one was completely novel to most of us, and the consensus was it’s pretty brilliant when you think about it.
Costumes were optional but encouraged, and there were some fabulous ones including…

Adult coloring was also on the menu. Brunchettes had requested custom coloring pages featuring a bevy of superheroes including Wonder Woman, Captain America, Storm and Batman. GGB TC also now has a bunch of art supplies to add our arsenal for future meetups!
Most of our attendees are regulars, but we also had some new faces at this month’s brunch and new fandoms to discuss. We talked about other geeky interests including the perfect Leia costume, D&D, comic books, videogames and the upcoming book release party for a YA fantasy novel for one of the brunchettes. A special thanks to Andrea Polk for bringing her fancy camera and taking photographs of brunch again.
Besides our regular April brunch, brunchettes also signed up to volunteer on April 2nd for Project Fairy Godmother which is targeted at young women who wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to go to prom. Check out Geek Girl Brunch Twin Cities page if you’d like to join in on the fun.
Until next time!