GGB Glasgow – Harry Potter Brunch

For our second brunch, we went for a Harry Potter theme. The weather was pretty miserable, but that didn’t stop us from having a great time! We chose the fairly recently opened Giraffe – they have some very tasty items on their brunch menu and some REALLY good cocktails.
After we’d eaten, it was time for the raffle. Our prizes were these super cute notebooks by Hey Katie Designs and this awesome time turner necklace by Einstein Candle Co. Every brunchette also received their own OWL certificate, signed by Dumbledore himself. Some people realised that perhaps they should have spent more time in the library with Hermione and less time in the Three Broomsticks…
Brunchette Kathleen brought her Sorting Hat, and of course everyone wanted their photo taken in it!
Our November brunch will have a Star Wars theme – stay tuned for more details!