DIY Terrarium Centerpieces

There are so many amazing brunch themes happening with Geek Girl Brunch, I thought it would be cool to put together a quick tutorial on how to make some easy terrarium centerpieces! This project can easily be translated into so many different fandoms, and it only takes a few minutes to put together. Something I can definitely get behind 😉
So for today’s terrarium, I decided to use the recently released Jurassic World as inspiration. Here’s what you’ll need for this particular version:
1. Dark Sand
2. Moss
3. River Rock or Pebbles
4. Plastic Dinosaurs
5. A cube glass vase
6. Plastic Plants
Since we are making terrariums to be easily transportable and hopefully reusable, I decided to go with fake plants.
*If you do decide to create your terrariums to have real plants, there are lots of cool tutorials on places like pinterest as well!
The trick to making a terrarium is layering. I started by laying the dark sand down at the bottom of my cubed vase. Next, I poured the pebbles, to be about an inch high. After that, I sprinkled in some moss for the little dinosaurs to sit on. We want them to be comfortable after all 😉
From there, I just clipped some of the plastic plant stems in different heights, an placed them in some random places in the sand and pebbles. I tried to spread them out so it was visually interesting all over. Then came the best part: the dinosaurs! I only used two because I felt three might be too much, but use your best judgement!
For the rest of the setup, I actually just bought two smaller premade vases that matched my larger one to save time. However, making the smaller ones would be simple. Just follow the instructions above! 🙂 I then placed a couple of tea lights to add some ambiance. Because I mean, we ladies like to nerd out at our brunches in style. Am I right, or am I right?
And there you have it! Your terrarium centerpiece. If you wanted to make variations of this for different fandoms, it’s easy! Play with different colored rocks and sand, look for things like lego men or small figurines, or maybe create little characters and props out of clay! You could do a space terrarium using just red sand and a rocket ship, or maybe a Doctor Who terrarium by using beach sand and a tiny Tardis! It’s sure to liven up your next nerdy event and make a heck of a talking piece 🙂