We at the Jackson Chapter, would like to wish you geekettes the Happiest of Holidays and Wonderful New Year! We are so happy with our chapter’s progress and we are sooooooooo looking forward to what’s in store for us next year!! We are extremely happy with the progress GGB has made over the past year. Keep up the great work, brunchettes and officers!
On 12/14/19, we hosted our holiday brunch with a Nightmare Before Christmas theme, and it was EPIC! The brunch was held at a local restaurant called Char, (deliciousness at it’s best). Members brought a gift to participate in our Dirty Santa game. As usual, the mimosa’s or poinsettias (cranberry and champs) were flowing and conversation was plentiful. Our fearless leader, Rae even dressed in Cosplay along with another member. Then, the time had come to play…. GEEK GIRL BRUNCH DIRTY SANTA YAAAAAAAAAAY!
We drew numbers for gift selection, and away we went. There were a couple of steals, but I highly doubt anyone went home unsatisfied. We had socks, earrings, bags, jewelry, comics, mugs, figurines and even perfume! Everything was a great and the smiles were HUGE! We really enjoyed ourselves. The officers of GGB JXN felt such joy knowing that there is a positive outlet for our geekette community. We have really enjoyed this year and cannot wait for even more growth of next year!!