GGB Boston launches by going Back to Hogwarts!

Do you solemnly swear that you are up to no good?
On September 20, Geek Girl Brunch Boston gathered for our very first brunch at Tavern in the Square in Cambridge, Massachusetts. With the plethora of students going back to school in the Boston area, it was only appropriate for us to head “Back to Hogwarts” for our launch!
Brunchettes were greeted with customized, hand delivered, Hogwarts acceptance letters – owl post not allowed in the restaurant! We had an amazing turnout for our first brunch and since every face was new we began by introducing ourselves and our goals for GGB Boston (and what house we’d be sorted to), and then getting to know each other.
Brunch included a special butterbeer treat described in ‘Marauders Map’ menus to enjoy while unpacking swag packs including goodies generously donated by The Hall of Comics, Ann Arbor T-shirt Company, Little House of Crafting, and Hello Quirky.
When we finished filling our bellies, we got ourselves up and moving with a few games, photo opportunities, and trivia to participate in a raffle for Hedwig and an extra special swag bag!
Many thanks again to our kind sponsors! Stay tuned for October’s Brunch of the Walking Dead on October 24!
Those letters look amazing! It looks like everyone had a lot of fun!