Philly hits the web

We’ve gone virtual! Due to the stay-at-home orders in many states, GGB HQ issued guidance that chapters should cancel in person meetings where possible. Following those guidelines, Philly decided to postpone March’s Pie Day Women’s History Pie-luck and April’s Video Game Brunch. Instead, we planned a virtual happy hour and virtual jackbox games meetups.
Happy for the opportunity to connect with other Philly brunchettes, a good crowd turned up both nights to video chat via BlueJeans.
Night two was filled with fun and laughs and jackbox games. Fibbage and Trivia Murder Party both appealed to our trivia minded brunchettes, and lots of fun was had by all.

Since our first two virtual events were so successful, we’ve since had a few more happy hour meetups, virtual codenames game parties, and a netflix party to watch Into the Spiderverse.
We can’t wait to explore other options to continue to connect digitally during this time of physical distancing. We have weekly happy hours/game nights planned through May, and plan to make our Cancelled Too Soon brunch theme for May into a watch party.