Fan Girls’ Night Out

Fan Girls’ Night Out was amazing!!! We’ve heard from many of you that it was “the best party at Con” and we could not be more happy that everyone had such a great time! Many many thanks must go to our Sponsors, our Special Guests (our Surprise Guests), our INCREDIBLE cake makers at Anna Artuso Pastry, our Venue, Latitude Bar and its amazing staff, our DJs, our photographer and everyone else that helped us behind the scenes! So many thank yous! We could not have pulled off FGNO without you!
When we decided to throw a party during New York Comic Con it was because we wanted to extend the safe and enthusiastic space we create at our Brunches to NYCC, an event that for many of our brunchettes and fellow geek girls is a yearly highlight. We had to have a presence there and we knew we wanted to throw a party. We could never have guessed that so many people would want to help us along the way and that so many of you would attend! Sure, we worked hard to fill the venue with guests and prizes but there is no party if no one shows up. Thank you to all of you who came to FGNO. We hope you had fun! If you walked through the door you were greeted by our staff of Brunchette volunteers and very probably one of us too. While you enjoyed our menu of themed drinks, danced to the stylings of DJ Millz and DJ Clean and chatted with new friends and our guests we want you to know that we never stopped working that night and we did it for you. Thank you!
The official list of sponsors is long and full of rockstars! We at Geek Girl Brunch and the International Geek Girl Pen Pals Club would like to thank
ReedPop, Valiant Comics, Anna Artuso’s Pastry Shop, Geeks for CONsent, Press Any Key Podcast, Zen Monkey Studios, The Geekerie, Geekilicious, SacGeek, Costume Super Center, Stephen Pitalo, bethydesigns,, Small Things for Sale, Night’s Requiem, Artcessories by Dakota, Paige Lavoie of Pumpkin Spiced, Treno Nights, The 42nd Seal, Liliannamarie Designs, Word to Your Unicorn, Comic Salvage, Crafted Owl and every volunteer!!!
The Venue was Latitude Bar and Grill
We’re reserving our place for FGNO at Latitude next year. They should be called Latitude: Awesome & Epic. We were all stressy balls of stress and panic leading up to and at some points during the party. But the amazing Alyssa, Jonathan, fantastic and sexy bartenders Julian and Kaitlin, really help calm us the f**k down and ensured things were taken care of and ran as smoothly as possible. Amazing, amazing staff. And a beautiful space. We do hope our guests listened to our repeated announcements to make it rain on the bartenders. And you at home reading this now… you do that too. TIP YOUR BARTENDERS.
The Drinks
Alyssa, Latitude’s event planner is a goddess! A brilliant, geeky goddess who totally understood our vision, being a Harry Potter fanatic geek girl herself. We were incredibly lucky and after our initial meeting at the venue, we knew we were in good hands. We had ideas for New York Comic Con themed drinks inspired by female characters from all genres and she got her geekiest bartenders on it. And an in house graphic designer too. The result? An expertly put together cocktail menu, that really reflected the spirit of NYCC and FGNO.
HOLY CRAP the incredible, ridiculous, amazing, gorgeous, geeky cakes from Anna Artuso’s Pastry Shop! We could not have been more fortunate to have come across a family of geeky bakers! At an enormous scale, the cakes were serious show pieces. RJ took time from baking wedding cakes to build our massive geeky showstoppers. And that’s not all. In addition to looking amazing and bringing tears to our eyes, they tasted incredible! The replica cake from the end of Portal was a rich, moist Black Forest. The model Companion Cube was seasonally flavored with pumpkin spiced buttercream frosting, and the accompanying orange and blue portal cupcakes? Orange Blossom and Blue Velvet, respectively. We will be dreaming about cake for ages to come. If you’re a geek, and even if you’re not, and you want to work with bakers that will go above and beyond for you, you have to use Anna Artuso’s. They really are that good.
The DJs
Ruled. We’ll be seeing them again. Shout out to DJ Millz and DJ Clean! Samus was twerking. That happened. That was because of you.
The Photographer
Gleb Perevertailo of was a last minute addition to FGNO. Crisis averted! Superhero moment! He was amazing, weaving amongst the attendees and guests getting candid shots and cosplay portraits.
Please check out all the incredible photos of the night over at our facebook page!
We had a lot of favorite moments!
-When the cakes arrived we may have cried.
-FGNO marks the first time the entire Geek Girl Brunch crew has been in the same place at the same time!
-Looking at the dance floor to see a ton of happy geeks including a twerking Samus!
-Raffling off almost too many prizes! And surprise prizes! And the looks on our winners faces as they were handed their prizes by our Special Guests! Star struck!
-Rat Queens and Iron Born manning the door
-Surprise bonus special guest: Roc Upchurch in the house! It was pretty awesome seeing Hannah party with her creator.
-Lex Luthor and Bizzaro hit the dancefloor towards the end. And one by one, our very special guests joined us in front of the crowd to give away some incredibly special prizes.
-One of our sponsors, Mike of PAK Podcast took to the mic to bare the majority of the MCing load.
The Special Guests
Our guests ran the geek/pop culture gamut. Comics, cosplay, YA lit, anime.. we even had a few extra surprise comics guests. Special comic guest Steve Scott, best known for his work on Batman, pre new 52, and the widely circulated concept art for Batfleck, and currently working on Judge Dredd, invited along his friend, the brilliant Rodney Ramos, of Transmetropolitan fame! He even surprised us with a bonus raffle item: a beautiful Catwoman watercolor. I hope the winner is aware of just how special that prize is. Funnily enough, he’d also worked on some issues of Rai for Valiant comics, our sponsor! Thanks to BB Heart, Brooklyn burlesque star and ultimate Hannah cosplayer, Rat Queens artist and co-creator Roc Upchurch, also made a surprise appearance (If you cosplay (like a bawse) he will come)! Cosplay Queen Chubear could be seen on the dance floor with Burlesque beauty and Samus-costumed Dangrrr Doll! At the bar guests chatted up NYTimes bestselling author of Dorothy Must Die, Danielle Paige and voice actress Amanda Goodman (Revolutionary Girl Utena fans were definitely in the house!) It was a pretty surreal night for us, surrounded by all these talented folks!
The Raffle
We gave away everything but the kitchen sink. Hell, we gave away things that weren’t even physically there. And then we gave away things that magically appeared! Winners walked away with incredible art, hand-made cuteness, coveted rainy weather gear, autographed EVERYTHING and more!
Please tag yourself and your friends in the pictures! Tag us on twitter and instagram to show off your #FGNO loot! Tell us your #FGNO stories in the comments! Thank you so much for coming! We hope you had a blast!
I might have to try and make it next NYCC! It sounds like it was a great time!
Such a great job with the party!! It was a blast.