Welcome to the Baton Rouge chapter page!
⚜︎ Laissez les bons temps rouler ⚜︎
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Email: ggbbatonrouge@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/503290603706194/
Twitter: @BrlaGgb
Instagram: ggbbatonrouge
Official Chapter Re-Launch: May 05, 2023
Theme: TBA
Chesleigh ♡

Biography : Greetings and salutations everyone! My name is Chesleigh (pronounced Ches-lee), I’m new-ish to the Baton Rouge area and looking forward to meeting some fellow geeks. Having been a part of the Mobile, AL chapter, it was such fun making new friends and having a good time without the fear of being judged. My past times include rewatching (rereading) Harry Potter, planning fun trips, sewing, and occasionally making sweetie boxes.
Geeky Top Ten: Harry Potter, Disney, Lore Olympus, Hercule Poirot, The Mummy, Sam Elliot, Greek Mythology, Library fieldtrips, American Girl, and Irish history.
Brunch Drink of Choice: Cold Irish Coffee
Follow Me:
Instagram: Chesleighmuch

Biography :
By day, Suzanna is a project accountant, but after 4:30 she becomes “Suzy, the girl who is entertained by anything!”
Suzy is a geek of all trades in her eyes. She doesn’t just limit herself to one specific fandom but has very eclectic tastes in entertainment. To coming home from elementary school to watch Star Wars, superhero cartoons, 90’s Nickelodeon shows and Golden Girls to now doing the same thing but on Netflix. If there is an opportunity to dress up for an event, she’s there. Whether it’s a Taylor Swift concert, a spirit week or any costume contest, she’s in! (Pictures of winning Queen Amidala costume from kindergarten can be provided upon request 😉) If there is a Marvel/DC, Star Wars, Harry Potter or Hunger Games movie in theaters, Suzy has seen it opening weekend possibly more than once. She has been known to talk for hours about Star Wars, Game of Thrones, COPS, The Vikings, Coffee, South Park, Peaky Blinders, anything Disney and RuPauls Drag Race (guilty pleasure) etc. You name it, she’s watched it.
Suzy also enjoys the simple things in life like going to thrift shops and finding treasures such as old board games and vintage t-shirts, reading the books of which movies are based off of in order to judge the accuracy, or going out to a cinematic adventure with her fellow geeksters. Also, if you are ever in need of useless trivia knowledge, help dressing up for events like a costume contest, or drag show guest, she’s you’re girl.
Geeky Top Ten: Star Wars, RuPaul’s Drag Race, Musicals, Coffee, Disney, Spoon collector, Buc-ee’s, King of the Hill, Trashy reality series, and did I mention coffee?
Brunch Drink of Choice: Bloody Mary
Follow Me:
Instagram: Suzyismyname_rny